Thank you for the feedback. I did write the pathfinding during the jam, but I already had some experience with making pathfinding systems from before the jam. It works similarly to tilebased pathfinding, but it's a bit more complicated to determine the valid adjacent keys.
The pathfinding system calculates the distance between the edges of nearby keys to determine which keys have a valid connection, it then find the shortest path between all of the connected keys. Then the enemies just move from the centre of one key to the centre of the next key. Which works well, expect for the space key XD.
Regarding the music, I know that it isn't great. This is because I'm still quite new to making music. However, this music is already much better than my previous music track. Lastly, I will also add a speed up button in the post-jam version. So that you don't have to wait so long during the simulation. I'll have a look at your game as well.