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This game is so creative and well-made!! The whole idea of having multiple ways to solve every puzzle is done so well and makes the game so much more complex and interesting, I love it! 

Another thing that really stood out to me was the detail put into the bad endings. Usually bad endings are just quick "whoops, you made the wrong deicison, now you die!" but this game uses it to expand the story and world, and that's just so awesome! The fairy ring ending in particular was incredible, but also the detail of the ending with the fish, and the ending with the bus... it was incredibly cool.

The artwork is beautiful and the various minigames are so fun!! (Even though I'm really bad at them and usually had to skip after a bunch of tries, but hey I'm very thankful for the option to do so lol)

There's clearly so much love and effort put into this game and the result is absolutely amazing. I'm very excited for chapter 2 and may have to replay some scenes a third time in order to find the other methods to complete things :D