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I don't mean to trouble you, especially as you just made your account. By any chance how has your experiences in the game had been so far? Would you by any chance be open to sharing your thoughts on the game? This is the most opportune moment to do so, especially to this latest & new version.

 Additionally If you'd so choose to, I'd like to see if we can get in contact? I'd be willing to assist you in clearing out both any questions and support a new person, by also avoiding spoiling the game. This I feel its a very important and interesting experience to see unfold, especially how I feel that this community is strong but 'separated' by various aspects and interests. So I feel it would be good to try and collaborate with more people in sharing information with one another.

   Let me know how it goes! (I'm actually trying to return to figuring out & returning to play this game. Got almost one or so year worth of content saved in screenshots alone of various data!)