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(1 edit)

Holy christ on a cracker, Carrot! This is such great news! I'm so happy for you, man. Don't know how your own hand doesn't fall off from all that drawing and tweaking you must've done for the final part of Arc 5, but seriously... wow.

Not going to lie, part of me feels bittersweet over how this game will soon reach its finale, but it beats having one of those titles who continue milking its story & characters until its merely a husk of what it used to be. 

I know I haven't been on in a while, but I'm glad to have logged back on during such a glorious announcement. Looking forward to April 5th, and to me gushing even *MORE* about all of your wonderful characters and lore! 

So proud of you, Carrot! That's true dedication and passion, right there! <3


I ALSO DON'T KNOW TBH. My arm/back has been pretty messed up for years already though more from general life than from working on this game. Sometimes it actually hurts less WHILE drawing 🤣 But even I will admit these past two months have been a litol bit intense even for me. I could not tell you what was spurring me to draw sometimes 3-4 CGs in an evening LKJDLAKSDF

Sob I am also feeling similarly. As excited as I am to be finished and be able to share the complete story, I know I'm going to feel a bit empty afterwards 💦 I do have some other plans for the universe, like an eventual remaster where I redo some of especially the early artwork in the game and give it some scripting polish and maybe a few other additional things. Also probably at least one other side game. But ofc it will never be the same as working on the main game and its core story. ALSO JUST WORKING ON SOMETHING FOR 3 YEARS AND THEN IT'S DONE LIKE. It feels incomprehensible to me lakdjfads

Thank you so much though for the kind words and all of your support and lovely comments and thoughts on all the other past parts and side games!! 😭💕 It really means so much hearing from people who have so many thoughts about the game and its chars lkadsjfasd I hope that you will enjoy seeing how it ends!! I AM A BIT NERVOUS AMONGST ALL THE OTHER CONFLICTING FEELINGS LOL.