1: !'m not right1111!1111 I don't have the right to be right. My Father is the father to the father/founder/owner to Microsoft"
2:The game desreved to be release111!111 Just becuas ethis is a rippoff of Garten of BanBan and is boring , and annoying , and dumb , and is a cash grab with no soul to the devolopment of this game.
3; IT ' S " ELONMUSKAUTO11111!111
4: The mascot is hot , and sexy, and oh so Yummy.
5:The game desreved to be release111!111 Just becuas ethis is a rippoff of Garten of BanBan and is boring , and annoying , and dumb , and is a cash grab with no soul to the devolopment of this game.
Thank you for playing the demo , I'm sure you will love the full game ! Stay tuned !