Thank you taking time to play our game and for the kind words and encouragement!
I'm glad you were able to test out the core gameplay. I hadn't notice until sometime after your comment that the manually set sizing was wrong because I was submitting it on a device with high DPI settings (I forgot to uncheck the setting in godot. Whoops!)
As far as the rock paper scissors feedback/suggestion, if I'm following, you're suggesting the game ends as soon an injection occurs because it's too hard for the player to recover?
Based on your comment I'm guessing (at no fault to you because our lack of ingame tutorial) that you didn't try right clicking to move a root node anywhere on your path? That adds an element of "chase" and "sacrifice" while also letting you create more paths.
We originally had scoped out the win condition to be injecting into your targets Root Node and then using their power to take out the other players Root Node. IMO that would have really solidified the lore of these 3 organisms in a winner take all battle. And it was unfortunate we had to scrap that for the jam due to time constraints.
Another ability that didn't make it in was to "disable" the injections or infections by having your adversary inject lower down into your arm. So ideally there was supposed to be a lot of back and forth, and strategic trading. Like losing the injection just gives your opponent the free ground you grew for them.
But whether or not any of that turns out to be fun will be fun to test out after we make some updates after the jam!