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Every now and then I come back and read this comment. I read it a lot because y’all *get* this game exactly and it’s very flattering for me as a designer, but more than that it’s frightening for me as a person. 

In my undergrad Ethics class we studied the ethics of Obligations, and my professor used a thought exercise that became this game: imagine you’re on a relaxing walk along the beach and you see a man drowning in a foot of water. Would you help him? We assume the answer is “of course, obviously!” Now imagine you’re not on a relaxing walk, you’re late for a meeting. Would you still help him? The thought experiment continues, adding or removing different contexts but always asking “in what circumstances and to what abstractions do we have an obligation to someone else?”

So uh, ha ha, sorry about that but I also wake up thinking about the jellyfish sometimes.
