i said it was arbitrary cuz its just kind of random and pointless to comment on a game that its not your thing. it would be like me goin to some random site, like... penguin lovers.com and saying, huh, penguins arent my thing. lol. im sure everyone would be like, umm, okaaay, then why the fuck are you here? we dont really care if you dont like them. i really dont care im not really offended, im just tryin to explain y i said that lol. yea it usually doesnt bother me man, you were just the unlucky one i responded to after see rude comment after comment, tho like i said yours wasnt even really that bad lol sry again 8P and yes i am indeed a lesbian thats y i am reading lesbian stories lol. BELIEVE ME i know about ppl 'talkin' and having to ignore it. but sometimes it just really hurts, no matter how hard you try to ignore it. i tend to act masculine and sometimes even claim to be a male on the internet, just bc it feels like i can just act more like myself and interact easier, if that makes any sense? and yea i actually totally feel you bro, i used to have some pretty serious social anxiety when i was younger, for reasons im sure you can imagine with me bein who or what i am. and i also moved ALOT so it was hard bein the new kid basically always. i really wish i could tell you some kind of secret of how i got over it man, but it was simply me getting a job at a convenience store and being forced to interact all day every day. after a few months i just started to be less and less afraid to interact with people until i eventually jus didnt care anymore. it honestly took like a year but im so glad it happened. ill always be thankful to my parents for basically forcing me to go get a job lol. i was miserable at the time and all but hated my parents for it, but now im just very thankful.
edit: i cant believe i just wrote all that XD i should have PM'd you lol. can you do that? i havent been usin this site/app but for a couple weeks now. but thanks for listening lol. ...or reading 8P it was kinda therapeutic haha XP