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(3 edits) (+1)

I know I say this every time, but this was by far the best game! The game play was fun, the man was super hot, and all the new sound effects made the game feel so professional! Honestly man, every game you make is better than the last, and you have become one of my favorite developers!

I am really looking forward to new project you have "teased"!(Hehe)
Keep up the great work!

PS: On the line in the beginning "Don't worry, apprentice.I know a way to make learning more fun" You forgot to place a space after the full stop in the first sentence.


I'm so glad it lived up to your expectations, I've been waiting for a theme that would fit the game of differences hehe! : )

The games have improved because of messages like yours in each game, possibly without that spark of motivation I would have stopped making them. So thank you very much, really.

The next one in this series is going to be a little crazier idea, but after that one I promise to continue with the hot guys 👌😁.

PS: I promise to fix the misspelling and update the game!