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(1 edit) (+1)

God motherfucking damn, what an amazing game, and I don't say that because I made the original Digital Exorcist. I want to qualify everything I'm about to say by explaining that I would feel the same way even if it wasn't part of the DE universe, and that I did not participate at all during its development (as a matter of fact, I thought it was gonna be a visual novel until it came out)
Just straight up kino. I mean the last game lall made was already kino as fuck, and this is even more so (though it isn't as funny as asuke box). The gameplay is amazing. I mean it's not as good as something like resident evil, but for something made in one month and change it's straight up amazing what you managed. It flows great, and all the problems I have with it (empty rooms, non-interactable objects, fucked up camera changes when I'M TRYING TO DODGE THE FUCKING LASER BEAM THE DEMON IS SHOOTING AT ME) are solely due to lack of time, and not bad game design. Honestly, the gameplay as it is, might just be as good as project D, if not better (since I don't even like parasite eve). Project D absolutely BTFO.

The art is awesome, and even in its unfinished state looks great, and I'd really like to see how it looks once it's done. I don't know how much of what is in-game where bought assets, but if they were, you managed to make them fit in seamlessly.

The only thing I can really complain about. It's a bit half-baked (there's literally no ending), and I feel the characters lack some... character to make them feel unique.  It also feels like you don't really understand much about what is going on and why, but that kind of worldbuilding can be added with the previously mentioned interactable objects, notes and computers. 

Just straight up awesome game. I can't believe you guys made this in just a month. You've really put me in a pickle here because I want to tell everyone I have ever known about this game, but it's just gonna look like I'm shilling my own game. I wish I could've spent my january working on this game instead of studying for fucking finals. 


Well, originally I ended my review here, but thinking about it for another minute, I don't think I can really rate it a 10/10 as it is right now, but rather that it will be a 10/10 when all the bugs are fixed and the content is added.