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In the interests of leaving a fair review, I feel like it's worth saying that at the beginning of the game, it didn't really grab me - not in an "It's bad" way by any means, but more of a "Maybe it's just not for me" way. Something just didn't click for me. I decided to stick it out a bit longer because of a recommendation from someone I follow, though, and I am SO glad I did.

I've not gotten every ending yet, but I'm gonna hit up the guide and work through them all, because I can tell it's going to be worth it. From the endings I've gotten so far, I've been delighted and devastated, uplifted and crushed. For all that it was a slow start for me to actually get invested, the pay-off has been superb. The story built into something bigger and better than I ever expected, the growth of the characters and their backstories and relationships (for better and for worse) has been a joy to behold, and before I'd even hit the first proper ending I was cheering along with them and feeling the gutpunch of disappointment like it'd happened to me personally. The 'Rose-Coloured' ending left me grinning like an idiot all the rest of the day, 'Broken Trust' made my jaw drop, and 'Kintsurugi' had me tearing up in joy and relief after everything that it took for them to get there.

This game's a true gem, and the amount of effort and love poured into it is clear to see. As already said, I'm gonna take great delight in working through all of the endings, and I can already tell this is gonna be a title that I'll end up revisiting months down the line too, just to enjoy all over again.

Genuinely superb work, massive kudos to you!


Hi, thank you so much for the wonderful words! My heart feels very full right now. 🥰

I'll be the first to admit that the story starts slow and that might not be everyone's cup of tea. But I'm all the more tickled that you gave it a chance AND found it enjoyable in the end. I appreciate it very much. 💕

Thank you again, I hope the other endings do not disappoint! 😇


Finished off all the other endings, played with some of the other route options etc, and I loved every minute of it 🥰 Milo's reaction and everything that follows after the "I can't" choice absolutely destrOYED ME HOW DARE YOU-- ...but I was all signed up for an emotional rollercoaster and it absolutely delivered, I loved it and honestly the narrative and delivery were SUPERB. I anticipated something drastic, and as soon as Milo re-appeared I had that dawning chain of realisation - "Why do they look so... wait, they look like... ohhhh no no no-- 😨"

Definitely a title I'll come back to again in future - you did an amazing job with this!


Awww, im delighted to hear that! 🤭💕 (there's no higher praise than 'how dare you' in my book kslfdskfls) That particular ending is definitely one of my favorites despite the emotional damage it does lol. 😇

Thank you again for playing and for the wonderful feedback! I appreciate it very much. 🥰