Hmm. I m bad. I had to just change just 2 lines of code to fix it. But acerola didn't allow me. The issue is in your GPU. Your GPU gives a notification to the program while my GPU doesn't and that's why I was unable to see the bug. Actually I had set that any thing like that will trigger a pause in the game so that I can find any bugs. Like errors, warnings, performance issues, and notification will stop the workflow of the program. My GPU didn't gave a notification. But yours did. And I am so sad that, that was an issue. Also many GPUs doesn't support OpenGL 4.6 but does 4.5 but I did 4.6 and it turns out even though they don't give notification if you can't connect to Opengl. The game is dead from all ways. Except for my GPU. I am just hoping and one play this with their GPU like me NGL.