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(1 edit)

#Day - > (?) - Lost count...

I have been working on and off on the project the last week. Finally got some work done today as I took a day off from work. I have added a lot of features, but still got a lot more to go before I finish the game. I have even spend some time thinking what need to be added. Here is a list:

I have spend way to much time already on these 'solar wind objects'. Rotating objects in Overlap2D is a pain - and actually only works reasonably well if you encapsulate them in a composite. I made some error in my thinking and will still have to redo most of these objects - to add some polygon components. I did add the landing sequence, and a 'oxigen timer'. Hopefully I will be able to show a bit more over the next couple of days.

My world now looks like this - I actually really like the drawings so far. I will still need to add all the bonus stuf, replace the 'space ship' with something more definite and hopefully add something with tentacles...