Your graphics are epic and I appreciate your use of background and foreground elements.
I had a hard time telling what would hurt me and what was just decoration (looking at you, weird little fingerlings). The enemies don't stand out enough from the background in the early game which makes this doubly difficult. The issue continues with some of the littler things that hurt you, especially when foreground elements block them and make it impossible to see. Dying happens often and feels cheap. This is especially important because your average player will give up after 2-3 tries (in normal AAA design, 2-3 attempts is considered "hard"). If you are wanting to make a difficult game, that's fine, but "difficult" games are (I believe) actually harder to make. You have to be very intentional and playtest a ton so you can see other people continuing to be engaged after failing repeatedly, and blaming themselves (not your level) when they die.
Watch your level metrics on the cramped corridors. It doesn't feel good to try and get past obstacles via jumping. You can do something like this for emotional effect during a story sequence or to block off key routes, but in general it's not a good practice.
Also loved respawning out of the fleshy egg plants. Heck yes.