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hey uhm i downloaded the game but when i played it, there wasent as many item as there was in the browser ver! if this is not a random glitch(proly isnt)  then could you consider updating the download ver?

proof ect,

oh yeah, and this is without moving ANYTHING

so i didnt move the cothes on top of them or smth :|

pls pls pls pls fix  ToT

btw is it with the ver i downloaded? it says 2023 ver but in desc it talks abt 2024 ver, did i acidently download the wrong ver? im confused


2024 ver doesn't seem to work as downloadable thing no matter what i do via mousepsd, and i have little to no programming knowledge to figure this out

so the latest version is available via web, and an older one for archiving purposes via downloadable file 
but i see people having troubles distinguishing them from each other, so perhaps i should write it better on a game page


wait is the older version also broke? you can't move anything in it?


oh not like that, I mean with the pic I put in with the game, I had just started the game up so nothing was moved, but I could move them.

oh!! good to know then, i was worried that older version stopped working as well тwт