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Hello! I played the game and it was good. I had some issues with android movement, but in overall game is fine. It will be a pleasure for me to give few suggestions to improve it:

1) This game contain unnecessary locations with or without some loot. Why not make optional bosses with modifications behind them? Like in school you might find a knife that can be attached to basic stick to make a spear and improve damage (on last stages stick is useless and I use guns only). For guns you may give a laser pointer modification which will be helpful for Android.

2) Bosses have a boring moveset (at least at versions I've played) So I suggest to add more random attacks in combo with different ways of avoiding them. For example, you can add a long horizontal attack to first boss which can be avoided by crouching.

3) Movement for Android is shity and I don't know how to fix it, so I suggest to make at least 2 different modes of game: with attacks and traps that require good feeling of movement and android one that require a bit less skills (I always had problems with crouching)

I hope this will improve gameplay! Good luck! I really hope this game won't be abandoned since it have a great potential!


Stick is Useless? On last stages of the Game? You can beat the whole game with just the stick except the Plant Boss (which I did) and trust me, the stick is everything else but unless, and yes, I am salty about someone saying the stick is useless >:(


I’ve tried that and it actually work lol. Just time consuming since you’ll have to dodge all the attacks from gym boss. The mutants take a while

Gym boss is very easy. This is why I suggested creator to add more attacks, for example, to add boss long horizontal attack which can be dodged by crouching.

(1 edit)

That is actual for old versions of the game. I completed free demo version with stick, that was easy. But newest version slightly reworked balance and some enemies have way shorter cooldown after. These plat-mans (or who are they) not just fast but also TOO fast to be beaten by stick.

But I find it good somehow. Since I felt this attack speed issue I had to use firearms and found out that when their heads are open they receive A LOT of damage. Plus I'm glad firearms became more useful.

For the end of your paragraph, this game is about to end lol. Like in may or sth.

Thanks for the suggestion o( ̄▽ ̄)d