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Thank you for playing, and for the feedback! I also apologize for taking so long to get back to you, things got a bit busy on my end.

I'm definitely glad to hear that you got to the end! I've gotten very little post-win feedback so far. Eviction ending, or did you get one of the rarer ones? I've had a few wins with the Cleric, but I usually had to abuse The Bomb to clear the Golem. Did you have any trouble with that encounter? And yeah, the Demon Lord is sort of a victory lap for the Cleric. I figured that if someone was able to get to the end with the lowest damage class, the rest should be fairly academic.

I absolutely hear you on the enemy variety. That's something I've been thinking about. I agree that there does need to be more diversity in encounters, but I've not had a lot of success in thinking about what that would look like while keeping true to the NES-era of JRPG. I'm thinking a damage over time enemy, which would give more value to using Herb (even for the Cleric). But beyond that, I'm drawing a bit of a blank.

I'm also kind of interested in the fact that you kept seeing the grass and forest. That's definitely a bug, but I can't seem to reproduce it. What should be happening is grass and forest at the start, later with hills mixed in, and finally a mix of only desert and swamp  during the final stretch. I'll keep looking for the problem, and maybe also increase the speed at which that transition happens.

Thank you again for the feedback!


Yeah, I think I got the Eviction ending.