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Okay so the order in which the characters appears in the cover of "Everytime we touch" may be random, but I couldn't help but think it wasn't, so here's my interpretation of the different routes of Touchstarved, based on what lyrics play when the characters are on screen :

Ais :

"I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me

I still feel your touch in my dreams

Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why

Without you, it's hard to survive"

Ais may keep secrets from MC about him, fearing of hurting them (?) Secrets concerning the friend that lives in his head/about his powers/his origin as a Monster. But keeping MC at arms length to keep them safe make him miss the proximity they could have, and he might feel weak to not be able to do anything about it.

Vere :

"'Cause every time we touch

I get this feeling

And every time we kiss

I swear I could fly

Can't you feel my heart beat fast

I want this to last

Need you by my side"

Vere was always depicted as this sly, malicious, horny and extremly powerful being. I don't remember who (maybe Mhin ?), but I know someone said that he sleep around with people just for the fun of it. We know he and Ais are friends with benefits, so maybe MC and Vere might develop a similar kind of relationship (I don't know if Vere only sleeps with Monsters or also humans, so tell me if I'm wrong.) With all that, Vere is very familliar with being intimate with a lot of people, and might not consider these kind of interactions as as intimate as other people. The fact that he doesn't like a lot of people & and isn't used to love someone may make him desperate for love, so if he falls in love with MC, he may become really clingy and posessive with them, wanting to never let them go.

Kuras :

"'Cause every time we touch

I feel this static

And every time we kiss

I reach for the sky

Can't you hear my heart beat so

I can't let you go

Want you in my life"

I suspect Kuras to have worked in the Senobium. He is one of the most reserved characters at this time, not letting much out about him. This reservation might make him, too, touch starved, so falling in love with MC will be a very big deal for him as he, contrary to Vere, isn't used to being intimate.

Mhin :

"Your arms are my castle

Your heart is my sky

They wipe away tears that I cry

The good and the bad times

We've been through them all

You make me rise when I fall"

Mhin seems to also be cursed, by some sort of bird demon. This is why they want so much to go to the Senobium (to find a cure like MC). My guess is that they went through a lot of things, but never really came to term with them, as they raise barriers between them and everyone. So, falling in love with MC, would be the first time they allow themselves to be vulnerable. They & MC will support each other through the good and the bad.

Leander :

"'Cause every time we touch

I get this feeling

And every time we kiss

I swear I can fly

Can't you feel my heart beat fast

I want this to last

Need you by my side

'Cause every time we touch

I feel this static

And every time we kiss

I reach for the sky

Can't you hear my heart beat so

I can't let you go

Want you in my life

'Cause every time we touch

I get this feeling

And every time we kiss

I swear I could fly

Can't you feel my heart beat fast

I want this to last

Need you by my side."

Leander's part of the song is by far the more intense and desperate. We know that, while some parts may be honest, his good guy side is an act, and he hides something. His catch phrase in the trailer is "I can keep you safe, as long as you trust me.", implying he is powerful. My guess is that in his route he will become really projective of MC, which might indicate that he lost someone he loved and is now desperate to keep the ones he love safe.