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Thanks for playing the game guys 🥳 yeah I don't mention the controls anywhere 😅 but the escape pod is not that complex either, the pilot can use up and down arrows to accelerate and break the pod and left and right to rotate it. the key "X" is used to fire the laser and proceed on dialogs.

But I did an even worst job with the radar and navigation system... My idea was to make the pod "jump" between space quadrants after it reaches the room's boarder at a certain speed. If the pod is about to reach the correct border (marked with blue triangle on radar) a "jump" is performed correctly and the player is one step close to the Imperial Space Station 🛰️ After 8  "jumps" in the correct direction the pilot should reach an asteroid field and navigate through it to next section. On the 12th "jump" it should reach the boss and on 13th should get the ending accordingly to the amount of journals collected on the debris of other escape pods found in the way :)