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I am keemosab, I actually prefer Keemo,  I grew up watching the Lone Ranger, Daniel Boone, and all thosecool cartoons, I am a partof the first TV  generation.  I also get to claim babyboomer status. So I've always wanted to make games always have spiffy ideas and what have you. However I have discovered that while I've never had a day of life with telavision, I never had a computer untill the late 80's -the good ole double 5.25 floppy, and 256  bytes of ram was super impressive! (who'd bite a ram 256 rtimes?) and I still have 400 meg hard drives. Ah the good old days of 3 inch floppies quickly pushed the 5.25 into the same place 8 track players pushed 4 tracks into. I watched the premier of the originial Batman, seen all the greatest Disney movies, saw Sonny and Cher sit on the shoulder of a big gorilla singing "I got you babe". Lived thru the Cold War.-California's earthquakes in the 60's; watched as Neil Armstrong made a small step for Man, yet a big one for Mankind. I could go on but nobody cares, I don't know how to make a game. So here's to learning something new once again.