I have another update. My filepath was wrong because I was specifying the Assets/Resources folders. However, now only the first 6 sprites of each spritesheet are playing. Getting the paperdoll functionality has somehow overridden my animation controller and now it's only playing a group of frames that comes first alphabetically in the spritesheet folders. I'm so close!!! I really hope I can get this working.
I got it working!! This is great. I didn't realize that my base renderer sprites needed to be numbered consecutively starting at 0. I'm quite new at dealing with spritesheets so I wasn't aware that this might be an issue. I thought I would post the final solution in case anyone else runs into the issues I had. Thanks!
Yes, and not just that but you also need to have the same number of sprites in all your spritesheets. So if for example, you have a tool renderer, and there is a frame where that tool does not need to be rendered because the character would be standing in front of it for example (if facing up). You still need to slice the sprite for that empty sprite regardless. If that makes sense :P Glad you got it figured out though!