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The atmosphere, art and music was suberb! Very scary, especially with how the enemies can be half insisde of walls and how they don't make much sound when approaching. The story was also really cool, and the voice acting at the start was amazing! As for playability, unfortunately, it lagged a lot for me, though that may just be my pc being old. This made it pretty awful since you needed to hit each enemy four times to kill it. To get around this, (this goes especially for level three) I would just snipe the enemies from a distance with during the animation when they activate. Maybe make them invurnerable during the animation? Also, communicate the sprint button to the player, I found it by accident and it helped a ton. Nice touch with the crosshair changing color, that helped a lot as before I noticed that it felt a bit frustrating since I didn't know if I hit or not. I think this game would benefit from two things: making enemies easier to kill (fewer shots, with the horror element it doesn't need to be super difficult) and making you respawn at the very start with a skip-cutscene button when you die. It kind of breaks the story when you respawn at the beginning of the floor you died on, with the stakes being so supposedly high. Overall, this was a great experience!

Im glad you enjoyed it! We will take your suggestion into consideration!