When I saw this game was getting a full version on Steam, I almost cried because I was so immersed during the demo. The music really got me pumped to play, and it feels like part dungeon-crawler, part RPG. Playing as anti-hero Virgo creates some *interesting* encounters, for sure, but I am glad there are choices you can make to spare certain characters and put your own decisions and personality into the game. The story has a shocking but surprisingly balanced mix of dark but humorous moments, and I loved the fantasy and worldbuilding elements. Definitely will be first in line for the final release! I wonder how long the gameplay will be? Though, I must admit I'm not looking forward to the proposed "harder combat," as I was playing on stress-free and still had a bit of a tough time with the final bosses. The combat system is very unique and well-thought-out. A little complicated at first, but I was grateful that the game gives you more tips and info as you progress. It felt very easy to grasp new concepts and try them out as I went along. It was a great way to have a tutorial but also have players try out their own thing! I'm also looking forward to meeting the other looming characters, especially Gemini because that's my birth sign...