You're welcome. I'll touch on the CS Lewis bit. So, CS Lewis' argument might have essentially been saying that a universe without meaning would be like a universe without light. He might have been making the point that like how a creature wouldn't be able to know there is light or even have a conception of it so too would a universe without meaning be like. It's in Mere Christianity if you want to where he talks about it (by the way that might have been one of the best arguments in the book, and it might have been better if he spent more time developing that than what he actually did). So, what I did was maybe try to make it more logically correct or something. According to the argument having even a conception of objective meaning would be enough to prove it, but it is possible that maybe he was making a false equivalence, so I might have tried to prove it in a logical way or something, but objectivity might be hard to establish, so I might have made an error or something. That said, as I mentioned at the end, even if I didn't prove certain things true, if the argument is correct and my conception of objective meaning or maybe even some other conception is correct then this might mean the idea that there is no objective meaning is an unfalsifiable and probabilistic position which while maybe not necessarily disproving it does make the position weaker. If you want the page reference to Mere Christianity or something, you can let me know.