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Thank you so much Starbladek <3
You're right, there is a pacifist ending, but we were lenient with it hehe (you just need less than 3 slimes killed and falling slimes don't count, you'll notice the other slimes in the level dont get scared when one falls ;P)

Yea, the jumping was something that I didn't spend enough time on to make it feel good, which is something I regret as it is a fairly integral part of the game, but these things happen, and I'm happy with how a lot of the rest of the game turned out :)

The coins were indeed a misdirection. They were intended to try and lead people to reach all corners of the level and ramp up the difficulty (even though they have no bearing on the outcome). The intent was to further the lying theming while also creating apparent value in getting into those hard to reach places in the levels heheh (and if I decide to make an updated version of the game post jam, I might change their purpose and alter the endings to incorporate them, therefore no longer making them lies haha)

Thanks again Starbladek, I'll be playing your game on my youtube channel in the next couple of days, so if you want to see what I think of your game, you can see it 'live' on my channel hehe (also if you wanted to see the pacifist ending, I played my own game on my channel as well xD)