I think I'd echo what a lot of other people are saying - this looks amazing. That shader works really well, absolutely perfect. I'd definitely like to see the shader graph at some point! You should definitely polish it up and release on steam - and I can imagine it doing pretty well on Itch too tbh, people love horror games here.
I don't really enjoy horror games - not because it's horror, but because a lot of them just feel like I'm wandering round aimlessly until I stumble upon something... This game has the same issue tbh, though it's mitigated by the echolocation thing - it works so well, I don't mind the wandering. Such a good mechanic for this sort of game. Does it tie into the monster's behaviour at all? It didn't feel like it did, but maybe I was missing something. It was pretty easy to just run room-to-room and avoid everything! It feels like in this sort of game, I'd expect to have to sneak around being quiet, and only using the echo when absoutely necessary.
Those are only minor gripes though, and probably are just normal horror game things. Like I said, I don't enjoy the genre at all, so take my feedback with a big pinch of salt lmao.