Lol I will admit I think with how many kids Brandon made in the BreedTown series alone, actually trying to find a way to show ALL of then with any kind of design would be a bit much for thatcombatwombat.
But I do agree that since BreedTown 4 will most likely be the final installment of the BreedTown series, I also think some kind of "The whole gang is here for one last hura!" kinda gathering at or near the end of breedTown 4 would be nice.
I would like it if every single girl from Breedtown 4 all the way back to Breedtown 1 was there or at least mentioned, and we could get some final words or some kind of final update from them. I think that would be a pretty nice way to tie up loose ends and wrap a nice bow on it.
Or hell if thatcombatwombat is willing to give it a shot, maybe there can be one huge breeding orgy at the end and we can breed every single girl one last time. Like honestly I wouldn't even mind if it wasn't all animated and went back to the classic static image art style of the first two games in a breeding timelaps/montage form, but I think that would be one hell of a sendoff for the series! but at the same time I totally understand if that's a bit too much work lol.
But either way I think no matter what thatcombatwombat does to wrap up the series, I KNOW Breedtown 4 is gonna be one hell of a good breeding time! And I'm glad I was able to play this awesome series!