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After some emails back and forth discussing the question with my publisher representative at DTRPG, the CEO, Steve Wieck, sent me this response:

"The short answer to your concern is that, yes, it’s a little bit crazy how we do things here. Most other marketplaces at all similar to us hold payments from sales far longer.

We are accepting a level of financial risk with our publisher payment process.

That said, we do take quite a number of precautions, but we don’t openly discuss those as general knowledge of them would allow bad actors to determine the best ways to game them."

Which is what I expected from the start: it's standard business practice not to publicly divulge exploitable details of financial practices. So, in short, you're probably not going to get a public run-down of what you asked for. 

Now that is already more like it.... If I could verify that is really written by an employee of that site, it would be great.

I see that they do admit how risky it is, and that it's crazy and that they are quite unique.... Altogether.... I don't trust them.