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OHMYGOD okay so. We don't know why this happens but the bug is so SUPER specific that last time it was reported only one or two people could reliably recreate it. Try clearing your cache and cookies (this will delete Twine data), closing the browser, and reopening, but I'm not sure if it'll fix it: this is my white whale.

I got this bug, and it also bugged the pronoun (it changed to They/Them when I loaded), and if I closed and opened again, it appeared "Quinn Reid" in the save file before loading lol I managed to fix after cleaning cookies and cache on my browser (even if I only played through the itch app, but the clean cache and cookies in it had zero effect lol Really don't know how exactly it stores, since app and browser both have different save files). I think it must be conflict thing? I mean, when I updated, I forgot to make sure the previous version was uninstalled, and I uninstalled everything before purging the cache... lol

Were you trying to load an old save?

There wasn't even an old save to load, it had been so long since I played lol Just two html files in the folder, the most recent one, and an old one from... 2021, I think, named "bad ritual" instead of index, and the folder was 1.8mb even after taking out the "bad ritual", but after taking it all out and installing again it's at 1.1mb, that why I'm betting that it was caused by some type of conflict or something.

H'm the only thing I can think is that the way. Because the itch app is at its best installing like GAME game files, and I find it behaves a little funny around htmls since they're not actually an installation (everything happens in your browser, no files are created, the html is just downloaded and stored in the browser). Try playing it from the launch button?

I'm so sorry, I think I didn't explain right, I fixed the bug and managed to play through it all (amazing as always btw, Siruud worried was *chef's kiss*) ๐Ÿ˜… both browser and app works fine and without the bug now! I was just trying to point out I think caused it. I'm really sorry for not making it clearer that I solved it ๐Ÿ˜ฅ thank you for all and really, really sorry for the confusion!

OH gosh no problem !! My favourite kind of bug to solve is one that's already fixed !!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š