This game deserves a team to hammer the whole rest of it out already. For all the wise-cracks about 'the dev' being 'lazy' on finishing features, this seems like a top-notch and very enjoyable indie game that is easy loose track of time in. Every time it feels like I have seen it all, a whole new big section of gameplay opens up and the adventure continues. I just feel like I will die of old age before I get to see it finished! Supporting this development financially is high on my priority list for if I ever have the freedom to have money of my own.
On a critical note (Spoilers! New players pls cover your eyes.), Marla's behavior late in the 'nap time' content breaks character for her in an unpleasant way. She jumps from being the shy intellectual girl to manipulative and coercive. I thought she was a great character until all that started. Perhaps your future writing could make considerations for smoothing that out a bit? Maybe you can find some way to make her a bit more consistent?