Thank you much! I agree, it does have some flaws. Was basically made in 2 months while i couldn't work on my main project!
I surprisingly don't have mummy issues, my mother was a very compassionate empathic person who always made me feel secure. I just like to try new things with my writing!
The only game set in the timeline prior to this one is Menagerie: Remastered- but it is a 6-12 hour long game, so you aren't entirely wrong!
Drinking from the fountain... HMMM! That could be an interesting feature, maybe a quick way to restore all energy, even if there'd be no real use for it! Or i could just make some silly flavor dialogue where Fyori attempts to get drunk and it doesn't work, but then Mad does once you have her in the group.
You're correct, too! I do need to make the Mad / Fyori dialogue on their meet up a bit less obtuse. Will do what I can to fix that for Demo 2 once I get to be able to work on this again!
Thank you again so much for your post and kind words. This really made my day to hear someone had a good time with the game.