I was very positively surprised by how much I loved this game. The baffling premise and lack of initial explaination left me afraid this would only be a loose bag of non-sequiturs, but instead I found a story whose wild premise catches the player's attention to draw them into a world with very human tales, only highlit by the strangeness of the setting and jokes.
The Workie and Stranger draw more obvious and tangible parallels to real life, but the more fantastic and diegetic reasonings of the others are both fun to read and make the world feel more genuine, building nicely into the theme of people from different walks of life meeting by chance. I cracked up at the stranger, at a loss for words, trying to express themself with a meme, only for nobody to know what they were talking about.
It's rare to see a writer so aptly capture such different backgrounds, lived experiences, and perspectives without flanderizing or demonizing any of them, and even rarer to see it done with a central queer character in a straight crowd. I can't help admitting I'm biased to them, if only because they're who I relate to most.
It feels a bit silly to talk so seriously about the game after that ending, but I loved that part too. It was funny and ironic without being disingenuous about the strange earnestness before, and I found myself laughing at the gambler with a tinge of melancholy for my beloved stranger.
TL;DR- dunno what to say, it's weird and silly and I really liked it.