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(2 edits)

Hello , Thanks for reply ;p

i found one bug seed power cant be upgraded it shows 1 still after upgrade

Yes you can add burning card as part of the reward system for example option to choose between geting new card or burning something. You can also include possibility twice in the run t pay to burn it thats ok for me.

From my perspective as a player is beter to be able to collect cards from the run and then from those to make a deck for the next run.

Dont give from the beging free cards to the new player it kills the drive to collect something . 

to make it more replayeable ;

-only way to collect cards is to beat the creatures ,dotn giev acces to new cards from the begining let it be reward.

-randomly generater cards are also good thing

-make another level with new creatures

-make possible to increase difficulty for the next run like in diablo 2. Since player will collect cards and make better stronger deck creatures also needs to be stronger somehow. 

-make some different ways doors to enter secets.

Seed card can't be upgraded as some other cards. I thought it would be overpowered.

I got your idea of collection cards and building your own deck. It's appealing. I think how it can be done.