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(3 edits) (-1)

Graphics: Meh

Gameplay: Yeeeah


Good old "Return Fire" from the Playstation 1 or the one before it from the Amiga ("Firepower", I think was the name), with that kind of gameplay one can never go wrong. Good fun.

Now I'll have to make a cover for it...

Having no native hardware split screen options on a C64 one is kind of limited on the art side, when trying to do smooth scrolling with an independent left and right display.

(1 edit) (-1)

Well, the C64 -is- 40 years old. It'll suffice.

I was thinking more Atari 2600 'Combat' or an elaborate take on TRON tanks level.. Eitherway, you're correct, can't go wrong. 

Be interesting to see a modem version of this.