Hi Saquon26,
Thanks for taking the time to test out the game and leave feedback. I appreciate it!
I spoke to CharleyThePostman about whether I am allowed to make updates during the rating period and I believe I am allowed to do so. I mentioned in my mini Post Mortem that I had some grander plans for this project originally.
I am undecided if I will spend more time polishing this one up or apply what I've learned and reuse some of the core code and assets to work on something a bit meatier.
Trying to wrap up a short 1-2 week 2d project at the moment but when I get that done I'll revisit this and make a decision!
I am happy to hear you enjoyed the art style and that it did a good job of creating that scary atmosphere. I struggled to get that tension right in my first attempt at a horror game!
Thank you again for taking the time to write a comment it helps me stay motivated and filter out areas I need to improve upon.
I look forward to testing out other entires to this jam and giving feedback when time permits!