The fact that Itch supporters paid for the game before any Steam announcements were ever made, is why we feel cheated. The price isn't the problem, it is us being told that we are going to get an update later than those that purchased the game as of right now. Also, we are not going to be able to experience the new features regardless of the new update because they are exclusive to Steam. It is poor practice to do this, since this will divide the Itch supporters and the Steam supporters. The Itch supporters will get disappointed and get an inferior version of the game, while the Steam supporters will be carefree and get the best version of the game. The fix is simple, give Steam keys to the early buyers of the game on Itch. Otherwise, it is clear the developer is greedy. There is no other reason to be making people that owned the game prior to the Steam release, to buy it again. Read the other comments, I am not the only one that thinks this.