Obviously the quality level here is very high, the detailed sprite-works and original music is all nice.
The random generation mechanic was cool and worked well to keep things interesting after deaths, however I think revealing the whole map from the start made me end up relying pretty heavily on just looking at the map unless I had to do some combat which is a shame as the sprite-work on the environments is good.
Personally I'd have liked to see different tile-sets for each dungeon you go through as it was difficult for me to actually remember which dungeon/level I was in after a while. as there's nothing on screen telling you that either.
One frustration I ran into which I admit is partially my fault is, since I'd just played a dungeon crawler withQ/E turning and A/D strafing, getting into this one I kept accidentally strafing into the lava at the start and actually completely wiped out my health in like 3 moves in a few seconds doing it. For some reason the lava does a crazy amount of damage like 1/3rd of the health bar from one movement. That mixed with how little the potions healed caused more deaths than the enemies themselves.
For some reason the keep going button at the end wouldn't work for me (Playing in browser)
I found the actual combat to be quite satisfying dashing out of range of enemies and quickly dodging in with a whip-attack. Simple but effective!