I can't play horror LOL, I almost quit your game because I just get too anxious too easily. It reminds me of the old RPGmaker top down horror games that I used to play, which given your art I guess you were inspired by, so that was nostalgic. The audio effects are very effective and I know I had to take off my headphones before trying to hit the monster things and see what happens - having audio just adds to the horror so much more. This is especially true when you have to walk towards it and it's off screen - horror comes from the anticipation, not necessarily the payoff, and that is very apparent here. It is also particularly terrifying to see the electricity and think what is that oh GOD WHY DOES IT LOOK HUMAN?? This was probably unintentional but you move way slower up/down than left/right which kinda added to the horror since I couldn't escape as fast. Now, I was slightly confused on how to play the game since I was just progressing through the payphone area and then to the lights, and I knew the things were probably averse to light from the dialogue, but I couldn't find a way to progress. Still, big props to setting up the feeling of horror in such a short time!