I am really pissed at how Google (with their Google Assistant), Amazon (with their Amazon Alexa Assistant) and even Apple (with their Siri assistant) "legally steal" soo much of your personal data for no reason.
However, PAIcom is different!
PAIcom doesn't store or send ANY and I really mean ANY of your data.
What you do with PAicom is your business and nothing leaves your computer.
You can verify that by trying to find PAIcom's "Privacy Policy" which right now is not existent because PAicom does not and will not store or send any of your information(s).
To be fully transparent and honest with you, PAicom did had a "Privacy Policy" and it did send me every time a command was used so I could get a "chart" of what were the most popular commands in PAIcom.
That only happened in PAicom ver 0.2 till 0.4 (we are now at PAicom version 0.6, soon releasing 0.7) and I was doing that so I could see what were the most popular and used voice commands and make similar and useful voice commands like the popular ones.
I was doing that because PAicom is a voice computer assistant, aka all the responses/animations are written, animated and voice acted by me and that takes a lot of time.
Because I was and still am the 2nd best piano player for my age category from Romania I didn't had time to work on PAIcom because of national Piano contests and I wanted to make voice commands that would actually be used and be useful in PAIcom, so I resorted to that method for just version 0.2 till 0.4 .
After I did that "experiment" I understood what people wanted from PAicom so I removed all communications between PAicom and me in version 0.5 . (aka PAicom is not sending any information since and will not send any data to me in the future aswell)
And if people want specific stuff in PAicom, they can just write me their ideas on discord now! :3
So to wrap things up, PAicom is a top selling software (voice assistant) that is safe to use!
Because I am legally required to disclose everything it does, you can check my statements (aka that PAIcom doesn't store or send any data) both here on but also on Steam! ':D
I hope I helped ya and if ya have more questions, don't hesitate to ask me! >w<