Actually I picked the Betazoids for exactly that reason, they were the most humanoid species that came to mind. As I’ve used that word again, it’s my turn for a definition. Because #wordshavemeanings……
Definitions from Oxford Languages
- having an appearance or character resembling that of a human. "a small, green, and hideously warty humanoid figure"
- (especially in science fiction) a being resembling a human in its shape. "a three-eyed humanoid"
So given my use of the word “humanoid” in my previous comment about how aliens appear humanoid in movies and tv shows to make them easier and cheaper to make as it’s simpler to put some makeup on a human than to produce an animated amorphous glob, and from a storytelling point, a female alien that looks like a supermodel makes more sense than to have our hero fall in love with the same formless blob, please explain to me how the usage was incorrect?
I think you’re getting the word species and genome mixed up.
Lions and Tigers are not the same species, but they can interbreed because they are from the same genome. Same with donkeys and horses.
Despite your use of #wordshavemeanings “craptrap” is not a word recognised by any English dictionary, when I say “any” I admit to it being a gross exaggeration, I only checked 10. However me using claptrap was an auto correct issue, which you should be more forgiving of given you make auto correct mistakes too, I just didn’t feel the need to disparage your intelligence over the simple typing mistakes you’ve made.
“its obvious you're not very good at language”
As #wordshavemeanings, I’ll just quickly point out that you’ve missed the apostrophe in your “it’s” as it’s a contraction of “it is”, ironic in a sentence bemoaning my knowledge of how to use English. You did it in the “you’re” after all.
“just because yr from a different star system”
Because #wordshavemeanings I’m assuming it was a typo rather than text speak, if not, the word you’re looking for is “you’re” or possibly 2 words “ you are”.
“let alone be able to select the correct words.. i said *cRaptrap, not claptrap.”
Finally, as #wordshavemeaning, when an “I” appears on its (note the lack of apostrophe) own it MUST always be capitalised. It’s the first of the 3 rules of capitalization in grammar…
* You should look at this one too.
Let’s not do that again, it made me feel dirty stooping to that level and it feels like bullying. Though I’m sure you agree, because of these mistakes I won’t be paying you for any English lessons.
Which brings me to your comment on migration. As a species, we have done amazing and terrible things in our time on this planet. One of them, to the best of my knowledge was not travelling to a different star system so long ago that were became the progenitor of an alien subspecies. I am the second to admit that there is more I don’t know than I do, I say the second because I think you’re probably ahead of me in the queue to call me stupid.
And with all due respect, when using the words “black people” and “white people” inserting the abbreviation of “versus” between perhaps gives the wrong impression of you. Might I suggest the word “and” as a more suitable alternative. Or maybe don’t bring up skin colour at all unless you think what you’re saying through, we’re all Homo sapiens sapiens here, despite what you may think of my level of intelligence.
I think your issue here is that, maybe, you’re attracted to an alien with a penis and you don’t like how it makes you feel. Your brain may be stuck in the part of Ted 2 where Ted finds Johns porn files on his laptop. “There’s no such thing as chicks with dicks, only men with tits”. And on earth that used to be true, but not anymore. Or did you assume my gender?
At no point were we discussing “intersex genetic disorders“ I brought up dual genitalia in humans simply as an example before saying…
“But we're talking about a Fictional Alien here, our biology doesn't apply. So shut up and let the man write his story”
A sentiment which still stands.
I was only expecting a 5 minute argument, not the full half hour.
You can say what you like now, I won’t be responding again.