I had left the island once after dying a few times and the game went on anyway but then I managed to leave the island without dying or at least I think I did.
I think the game offers a fine gameplay loop in the context, as the hunger pressure is real but winning won't take that long either so you can restart a couple of times until you win. I smashed the very weakest enemies and fled from the other ones, which felt like the most efficient way. I'm still undecided about fishing being worth it or not, you'll really gain more food than by cutting trees, yet there's no way you'll ever have a lot of food so you have to cut the tree for the material as fast as you can and except you'll get fruits as well. Both the island environment and the animations during fights look good enough. Movement feels good enough too.
It was weird to have to press Enter during fights as you're using the mouse there.
Thanks for sharing!