Wow this is a nice one. A very complete and polished game. There's no story or indtroducing the player to the game world but there's a premise. That's fine, not every game has to tell a story, this one focuses on gameplay and i think it does a pretty good job at that! In terms of gameplay there's not much to criticize, everything works perfecty. Movement is very smooth and snappy, enemy AI is fine, inventory, levelling system, it has all basic mechanics of a dungeon crawler game.
Third party assets you used in the game are very high quality especially the enemies and the shaders on the objects. It's more nitpicking than criticism but the environment doesn't feel much like a spaceship to me. This could be place like mall or an office too. Comparing to some other contenders of the jam, the atmosphere of the game is a little weaker i think. Also there's something off with the lighting. With the lighting capabilities of UE5 i think a much better lighting could be achieved to contribute to the game's atmosphere.
Combat works well. It's pretty straightforward but it works. There's a decent feedback, you know you hit the enemy. Enemy's death animation activates with a 1 second delay.
All in all i think it's a pretty solid game especially taking the time limit into account. I am really glad that your game wasn't disqualified from the jam, it really would be a shame. Great job and good luck!