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Day 3

It was a slow day of work. I've been having some trouble falling asleep for the past couple days so I doubt that's helping.

Either way, progress was made. Not monumental, but I think I can finally say that Vesta's room is VERY close to done.

I did change up the awkward green. Lots of brown, but I hope it's easier on the eyes. Vesta's hobbies are more fashion-oriented, so I gave her some items related to that.

Hazel's letter now has some physical form, too. (Might come back to it if there's time.)

Action shots? Yep! Made some GIFs so that the animation and whatnot stand out.

The outfit-change transition is a little more natural now.

I'll need to do some more research into how I actually add Hazel's Letter into your inventory so you can access the hint. I was burning out a bit trying to figure it out, so I figure it's a Google search/implementation for tomorrow.

Other work from today includes some practice for music composition. Nothing solid besides the bedroom theme yet. I like listening to music, but always run into issues when I try to make it myself.

Next Steps:

  • Get item collection for inventory in working order
  • Make more progress on the hallway & other map tiles
  • Play around with puzzles, already!