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(2 edits)

Bro my blood has been BOILED. What a painful update to read (in the best way possible), like omg things keep getting worse and the story just keeps getting better and I can’t with this damn suspense. 20/10 story update omg

Rant with spoilers This mf bitch of a commissioner (literally and figuratively lol) PISSES ME OFF. How the hell does this man justify his actions for the shit he's trying to pull, and just blame it straight on Zan? HELLO??? I bet that piece of shit took Cole on a damn vacation as a reward for making him more money like COME ON LOL. Since he is listening to everything they say, he knew exactly what to say to make Zan attack him. Idk what happened to poor Bruce (praying for him rn), but I hope Bucky and Drayden pull through, along with Zan especially 😭

Also, these updates on Red got me so disheartened, hearing about his vision is what messed me up. I just want all my bois to pull through PLZZ.