"The remains have been replaced, coffins filled."
The ghosts would not let me map the game in peace but I did it anyway ;).
The game is very fun. It looks great, controls alright, I like two hands = two items at a time, it fits well with the amount and types of items of the game, it never gets annoying and is just interesting to plan the kind of one right route. Bruteforcing through some ghosts is sometimes the right solution at the moment, as trying to flee, get back then get hit further away from where you want to go (and you might get hit twice too) won't be better, and I don't mind that at all, this is some cool quick decision to make and somehow adds to the sanity/pill management. The dungeon layout is great, it's not a long corridor, it's open and you get to discover the (an?) actual good route with successive playthroughs. Finally the game features just the right length and difficulty to my taste which greatly contributes to the fun to me.
I hated that you cannot pick items while the crucifix effect is active, and the game might play a bit slower that I truly like. Finally the intro is very long when you're restarting, you should be able to skip it.
This is a great entry, thanks for sharing.