I guess I'm just going to repeat what everyone else said, so feel free to skip through the text ;).
Well, I like that the intro can be skipped. I guess if nitpicking the low res torch clashes a bit with the other parts although it looks pretty good out of context but overall the visuals are consistent, the sounds fit too and you've got the atmosphere right.
I actually don't mind that the combat is button mashing, I think with this kind of real-time systems it's one way to make it fast. I think the attack animation could suggest it's how it works by simply restarting each time you press the button.
The steps are too small and there's a big delay after pressing Space to the point I hit Space, and other buttons, but still had to look for the page to know Space was the one button which did something.
Overall I don't like dialogs that you don't advance at your own pace. Opinions will certainly differ on this one but I'm not fan of seeing the player character during cutscenes, I mean I don't like cutscenes that much to begin with ;) .
Thanks for sharing!