Cool, I managed to land on all the pads in one run.
Would be nice if there's some confirmation of landing, like the ring could turn green and play a rewarding sound.
Depth perception is hard, maybe you could have a "ghost" shape collider sphere, and draw the the collisions as indicators of stuff that's nearby. Similarly you could do a ray cast to project a fake shadow.
Edit: supporting mouse and keyboard, it's actually easier to control.
Just add WASD bindings + left click thrust and patch:
### : _process() :
var mouse_input = Input.get_last_mouse_velocity() * 0.001
var cam_horizontal_input = clamp(Input.get_axis("cam_left", "cam_right") + (-mouse_input.x), -1.0, 1.0)
var cam_vertical_input = clamp(Input.get_axis("cam_down", "cam_up") + (mouse_input.y), -1.0, 1.0)