Really like this look of this!
Received "Wonkey Runtime Error: SIGNAL: Memory access violation GC state=IDLE" while viewing the controls. I had pressed the arrow keys and alt-enter a few times before going into the controls (none of them seemed to do anything, although on a second reproduction I noticed "old coins" showing up on the main menu when using the arrow keys, I guess I'm moving around? crash happened again after similar steps when trying alt-enter or enter on the controls screen).
I seem to almost always move at least two spaces when I press a key to move, usually resulting in damage when hitting a wall :(
F4 seems to instantly exit :(. Oh, possibly it thought I had "alt" held due to an earlier alt-tab and it didn't reset the keydown states upon focus/activate or something.
Way too difficult (maybe due to controls?) for me, I died 3 times before managing to get the three fish -_-. Finally did that a few times, and not sure what keeps killing me, I seem to walk in front of a snail and instantly go from full Hp to 0 :(.
Looking forward to playing more in a post-bugfix version =).