I found a solution for section 33. A few conditions and copying the text from chapter 13 and...
(I hope the code formatting works the way I think it should. Let's try...)
33) Replace 27245-27267 with the following code:
if c13femalebeach: pov "Yeah, that looks just like them." pov "I should go and say hello!" else: if lesonly: pov "I think I recognize one of them, but the other..." pov "I should go and introduce myself." show c14 beachnude 7f with dissolve pov "Hello!" pov "Sorry if I'm bothering you two." show c14 beachnude 8f with dissolvelong if lesonly: wom1 "Oh? It's the lovely lady from before." wom1 "Last week, I think?" if c13femalebeach: wom2 "Happy to see you came again." wom1 "Yes. We were wondering if we'd see you again." pov "Haha. I figured it was too hot to be dressed today!" else: if lesonly: wom2 "And this is...?" wom1 "Ah, just a cute face I invited here before." wom1 "I'm glad you showed up this time." pov "Sure. Nice to meet you." else: wom1 "Hello! Nice to meet you." wom1 "I haven't seen you around before. Is this your first time?" pov "Yeah. I guess you could say I was curious..."