What do you like/dislike about escort missions in other games?
I liked how the VIP felt "glued" to me, this was a ready good way to get around the worst aspect of escort missions, getting the AI to work with the player. Here he just follows you, no matter what. The downside is he would just stand there and straight up die if being shot. So making some kind of flee state may be a good idea to help prevent that.
How do the controls feel?
I like them, they were simple in the best kind of way. Easy to understand and work with. I found the explore camera better than the combat camera and would have preferred to just have that camera over the swappable ones. It gave the screen space to breathe.
Does the environment fit the game theme?
Yes! I love the oversized characters as well. I loved feeling like we were all giants doing our thing. Well, done on the levels, I would maybe make the path for the player have a little more variety, more than just straight paths and hard right or left turns.
What would you like to see implemented in the game?
Audio, the game is very quiet and even some general background music would go a long way. Silent films work for a ton of reasons but silent games struggle unless they plan for that aspect. I would try to get some kind of audio in the game by the next playtest.
Great playtest guys! I loved the style and feel. Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see the finished game. :)